Cardiac-Anesthesia Rotation
Welcome to the Des Moines Cardiac-Anesthesia Rotation at Iowa Methodist Medical Center! This elective rotation consists of a 4 week rotation in the CA-3 year. The rotation exposes residents to systems of practice that are different from those at UIHC. Rotating residents will be primarily involved in cardiac cases, but there is potential for experiences involving thoracic and major vascular events. The goal of this rotation is to provide experiences so the resident becomes competent in administering anesthesia for complicated and uncomplicated cardiac cases.
Approximately two weeks prior to the start of the rotation, residents are sent information regarding housing as well as directions to the Consortium office located on the Iowa Methodist Medical Center (IMMC) campus.
New residents should report to the main desk in the IMMC surgical suites, Level B on the North Wing at 6:15 a.m. on their first day. When time permits, residents should report to Wendi Kruger in the Consortium office on the ground level of the Education and Research Center at 1415 Woodland Ave., Suite 130. Residents will complete required paperwork and be provided with a photo ID, timesheets, and information on charging meals. Residents are expected to be available Monday through Friday.
Weekly Schedule:
Monday - Friday: Residents should report to the Surgical Suite main desk at IMMC. Residents will be expected to perform inpatient preoperative evaluations and daily follow-ups until hospital discharge.
Health Sciences Library: Residents have 24-hour access 7 days per week to the IMMC Health Sciences library. A UnityPoint Health - Des Moines picture ID badge is needed for after hours entry. Internet and photocopying is available. The librarians can access information and perform literature searches for residents. Residents may call the Health Sciences librarians for assistance at 515-241-6490.
Fitness Center: The IMMC fitness center is located across the street from the InnTowner Apartments. Residents interested in using the fitness center should contact Wendi Kruger in the Consortium office who will provide assistance with the registration process.
Consortium Contact Information:
Des Moines Area Medical Education Consortium
1415 Woodland Ave, Suite 130
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
Ken Cheyne, M.D.: 515-241-4455
Wendi Kruger: 515-241-4455
Iowa Methodist Medical Center
1200 Pleasant Street,
Des Moines, Iowa 50209
Operator: 515-241-6212
Surgical Suite Main Desk: 515-241-6214
Physician Office Contact Information:
Associated Anesthesiologists, P.C.
1215 Pleasant Street, Suite 400
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
Office: 515-241-5722
Contact: Brett Myers, M.D.